Sa incep acest post prin a spune ca am rezervat doua bilete, pentru mine si pentru Dani, la "This is it!", ultimul dans al lui Michael. Am revazut pe dvd concertele lui din Bucuresti si mi-am adus aminte cat de rau mi-a parut ca aveam doar 14 ani prima oara si eram plecata din Bucuresti a doua oara. Sunt un adevarat fan si iubesc muzica lui. De fapt, muzica imi place la nebunie, o iubesc cu toata fiinta mea, dar se poate spune ca am doar doi fani. Unul traieste si unul a murit.
Sunt obosita si nu va mai traduc articolul de pe Associated Press. Daca aveti dificultati in a intelege, va rog sa imi dati un mail si o sa va traduc partea care nu va e clara.
Sursa: preluare de pe AP.
"Details of Michael Jackson autopsy
AP, Oct 1, 2009 11:00 am PDT
Here are some of the findings from the Los Angeles County coroner's autopsy of Michael Jackson:
• He was 5-foot-9 and weighed 136 pounds.
• There were dark tattoos on his eyebrows and around his eyes, a pink tattoo around his lips and what appeared to be a dark tattoo on the front of his scalp.
• He was balding and suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin.
• Osteoarthritis was visible in the lower spine and some fingers.
• He had multiple scars around his body, including behind his ears, along one shoulder, at the base of his neck and near his navel.
• His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed. Other organs appeared normal.
• The anesthetic propofol, four other sedatives, the pain killer Lidocaine and a resuscitative drug were found in Jackson's system. His stomach had no discernible pills.
• No illegal drugs or alcohol were detected.
• The manner of death was ruled a homicide based, in part, on the propofol being administered in a non-hospital setting without any appropriate medical need.
• Consistent with CPR attempts, Jackson had a bruised chest and his sternum and several ribs were fractured."
Acestea fiind spuse, un om care danseaza cum danseaza cu o luna inainte sa moara, care canta cum canta la 50 ani, nu are cum sa fie bolnav atat de grav incat sa necesite medicamentatie de genul celei care s-a gasit in corpul lui. Poate nu se vroia ca el sa se reintoarca? Ar fi fost singurul come-back de genul acesta din istoria muzicala. Plus ca, anul acesta se reintra in cursa pentru drepturile asupra cantecelor Beatles. Plus ca multa lume ar fi pierdut daca se relansa. Da, speculatii peste speculatii, nimeni nu stie adevarul deocamdata. Un singur lucru e cert: a fost omorat. Si mai multe lucruri sunt certe: a fost un artist extraordinar, a fost un dansator exceptional si un om singur si neinteles de multi.
Rest in peace, Michael Jackson! That's all that it was for you...
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